How can I add Target vs Actual yield comparison for my sites? (2.0)

This article describes how to add the target - actual yield comparison for your sites.

  1. Log in with your Solytic account.
  2. In the menu structure, under Site > Configurations > Target yield, select "Add configuration".
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  3. In step 1 - Base information - enter the start date (construction date) and the annual expected degradation of the modules (0.15% to 1%). Then click on "Next".

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  4. In step 2 - Monthly target yield - enter the monthly target yields for the months January to December in kWh. Then click on "next". 
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  5. Accept your selection in step 3 - Confirm.

In the "Projected target yield" section, you will see the listing of your target yields for the next 30 years.
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Target yield comparison (currently under development - release end of July at the latest):
For analysis and monitoring, you can use the chart in the menu section under Site > Analysis. Select "Target/performance" from the drop-down menu. The bars of the chart show you the actual yield of your plant. The triangles show the target yield. Below the diagram you will find a list of the individual values for each month (see picture).


In addition, you can also find the target/actual comparison directly in the dashboard of the plant (see picture).
Desktop - Target Performance0-1