1. FAQ
  2. Solytic
  3. Data connectivity

Set up FTP push - PowerDog

  1. Press on the "gear symbol" of the PowerDog data logger. You will get to the device configuration. Select "Next" two times.
  2. Press the button "FTP Upload". Fill in the FTP configuration window as showen below:

    1. Enter solytic.com for Server.
    2. Enter the access name and password of Solytic for Benutzername and Passwort
    3. Leave the directory empty
    4. At "Exportinterval" enter how often the data should be transferred.
    5. Click on "Eigenschaften" to activate the FTP service.
    6. Then press "Weiter“
  3. If the connection to the FTP server has been established successfully, you will receive the status message „Connection to FTP Server Sucessed

  4. Click on "Weiter" and "Speichern